Duncan Chisholm

It’s evening in Canada as I write this.  I’m sitting at my desk overlooking the park as the sun sets, a candle burning in the window, listening to Duncan Chisholm‘s CD ‘Live at Celtic Connections’ and specifically to his tune The Farley Bridge.

If I remember correctly, the first time I heard him perform this tune was at Caputh Church in Perthshire during Dougie MacLean‘s Perthshire Amber Festival in 2016.

I can’t begin to describe how magical a performance it was – the music, setting and location were sublime.

During the early months of Covid, Duncan Chisholm posted a tune every day on his Twitter Feed.  In a time of uncertainty, it was a wonderful way to start the day.

Please – please – check out his music.  You won’t be disappointed.  It is inspiring and truly – truly –  beautiful.